Ride Start - 7:30am at Eldorado Park Library Parkinglot
2900 N Studabaker Rd., Long Beach, CA 90815
(During daylight savings we start at 8am due to low light and cold.)
There are four different routes that are rotated each week.
A & B Groups ride the same route a few minutes apart.
C Group route is slightly shorter but similar.
All rides end at Bogarts Coffee House at Seal Beach Pier.
Once a month the A & B Groups ride together.
Check out the
RIDES page for details.
D Group and New Riders need to speak up when we gather at the park.
The D Group ride will be tailored to those who show up that day.
Once we get a regular set of riders we can preplan the routes.
Until then we may post the D Group ride just a few days ahead.