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About Lightning Velo


History of Lightning Velo:
Lightning Velo was established in 1988 as a recreational cycling club and has been registered with USA Cycling since 1989.  Racing is not a requirement for membership or participation in club rides and events.  Being registered as a racing club broadens the club's activities in the world of cycling, supports members who race and allows the club to host sanctioned racing events. By a very large percentage, our members are recreational riders.

Apart from cycling with a great club, membership benefits include discounts from some of our sponsors, access to the members only area of the club web site, smart phone app, social events, purchase of club clothing and notification of club evens via email.  Click here for details on joining Lightning Velo.

Who We Are:  
Lightning Velo has approximately 250 members from the greater Long Beach and north Orange County areas.  Our membership represents a rich mix of cultures, professions and age groups, both male and female, with diverse riding skills and abilities.   We welcome cyclists of all fitness and experience levels.    

Why We Ride:
Ask our club members why they ride and you will get different answers.  We ride for fun, fitness, socializing or simply because we like the challenges and experiences of group cycling.

How We Ride:
Our rides are typically organized into three groups by ability and experience level, with a focus on safety and having fun.  For details of our club rides please go to the Rides page.  For additional information and tips, click here for our Club Ride Guide.

Where We Ride:
All our local rides start from the Long Beach Public Library parking lot near the corner of Studebaker and Spring streets in Long Beach, CA.  See the "Rides" page for details on all club rides.  From time to time we have remote start rides with a drive to the start, riding a pre-planned route, and then drive back.  Remote start rides provide members with opportunities to enjoy different scenery and terrain conditions.

Lightning Velo is registered with USA Cycling.  As a registered racing club, we conduct one club sponsored racing event each year.  Check the Calendar page for information on our next racing event.  Club members have reached state, regional, national and world championship levels in numerous cycling disciplines including track, mountain and road.

Club Business:
The club is governed by a Board Of Directors (BOD) that meets every third Wednesday of the month unless otherwise announced.  BOD meetings are open to all members.  General Meetings take place after the BOD meetings and all members are encouraged to attend and participate.   Time and location details of the BOD and General meetings are posted on the Calendar page.

Club Sponsors:
We are grateful to have sponsors who are so supportive of our club, our events, our community involvement and our efforts to bring the benefits of cycling to more and more people.  Click here for information about our sponsors.

Club Social Events:
Apart from our weekly Social Rides, we hold social events throughout the year.  Social events are posted on the Calendar page.