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HomeCalendarGreg Page's Birthday Ride

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Greg Page's Birthday Ride

Date and Time

Wednesday, November 29, 2023, 8:00 AM until 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada) (UTC-08:00)


The Page's
7522 Calmcrest Drive
Downey, CA  90240

Event Contact(s)

Greg Page
562-928-7677 (p)


Member Created Events

Registration Info

Registration is recommended

About this event

Let's ride 61 miles to celebrate!
The ride will start at Greg's house, proceed 30.5 miles north, via bike trails, to the San Gabriel Mountains, then a few miles into the mountains. At the halfway point, turn around and head down the mountains. We'll stop at a Starbucks for coffee, coffee-adjacent beverages and snacks, then continue down the bike trails back to Greg's.